The Cyber Risk Assessment

Independent, no-nonsense, non-technical approach to put you in the know.

Let us ask you a couple of questions:

  • What is your cyber risk exposure?

  • If you are regulated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), when was the last time you had an independent assessment of your compliance with the Cybersecurity Rules?

  • Would your business like to avoid a regulatory fine of up to $250,000 by making a small investment?

  • Could your business reputation be badly affected through a cyber incident?

We would love putting you and your business in the know so that you can make informed decisions through our Cyber Risk Assessment.

You gain a report that is written in your language, avoiding technical jargon, but gives you the information you need to protect your business and/or meet Regulatory requirements.

Assessment Overview

To achieve a full and detailed cyber risk assessment, our work includes:

  1. Review relevant documents (strategy documents, policies, procedures, cyber insurance in place, vendor agreements etc);

  2. Meet with your key stakeholders:

    1. Internal - Executives, head of operations/technology, risk/compliance managers, HR/people managers etc

    2. External - Your IT managed services provider(s), cybersecurity provider(s) etc

  3. Utilize our specialist toolset to compile responses and collect information; and

  4. Report on your cyber risk position in comparison to the agreed standard i.e.  international NIST Cybersecurity Framework,  SEC Rules etc.

We endeavor to deliver the draft cyber risk assessment report for management comment within 10 working days subject to stakeholder availability and provision of the initial information that will be requested.

“Kyan possesses a rare combination of technical prowess and the ability to communicate complex concepts in an accessible manner.”

Greg Thompson CFP, CKA - President & Wealth Advisor

Stone Oak Wealth Management

🌟 Our Proven and Structured Approach.

Step 1: Onboarding and Initial Consultation

  • Engagement Kickoff: Schedule an initial meeting with the executive team to understand their expectations, scope of assessment, and specific concerns.

  • Information Gathering: Collect preliminary data on the business’s operations, organizational structure, and current cybersecurity measures. This includes reviewing existing strategies, policies, procedures, cyber insurance, and any internal audit or compliance reports if available.

  • Identify Key Stakeholders: Identify and engage with key stakeholders, including IT managers, department heads, and any staff responsible for cybersecurity, technology, compliance etc.

Step 2: Risk Assessment

  • Alignment: Assessment undertaken in alignment with the agreed standard NIST Cybersecurity Framework,  SEC Rules etc.

  • Exposure Analysis: Utilizing our specialist question framework we record responses from stakeholders against each question.

  • Compliance Threat: Identify potential threats to the business which could result in a regulatory fine or legal action by third party(s).

  • Vulnerability Assessment: Identify weaknesses in the current business measures that could be exploited. This involves reviewing policies, procedures, and controls for gaps.

Step 3: Risk Review

  • Risk Evaluation: Assess the likelihood and impact of potential cyber incidents. This involves qualitative analysis (expert judgment) and quantitative analysis (estimating potential financial impacts).

  • Risk Prioritization: Prioritize risks based on their potential impact and likelihood. Use a risk matrix to visually map out the risk landscape.

Step 4: Documentation and Reporting

  • Compile Findings: Document all findings, including identified risks, their potential impacts, and recommended mitigation strategies.

  • Draft the Report: Prepare a clear and concise report for the executive team. The report should include:

    1. Executive Summary: Highlight key findings and recommendations.

    2. Risk Overview: Provide a detailed overview of the identified risks and their potential impacts.

    3. Risk Mitigation Suggestions: Outline recommended mitigation strategies and action plans.

    4. Visual Aids: Use charts, graphs, and tables to illustrate risk assessments and mitigation plans.

Step 5: Presentation and Follow-Up

  • Presentation to Executives: Present the findings and recommendations to the executive team. Ensure the presentation is accessible, focusing on business impact rather than technical details.

  • Feedback and Adjustment: Collect feedback from the executives and adjust the report and action plans as necessary.

  • Implementation Support: Offer support for implementing the recommended mitigation strategies, including periodic follow-up assessments to monitor progress.

Schedule your Cyber Risk Assessment today and let us lift the lid on the risk exposure of your business.


To reduce your risk of a $250K Regulatory fine, or financial loss from a cyber incident:

Your Investment.
